Whether you are seeking treatment, prevention or just flavor, look no further than raw salsa and homemade guacamole.
Teeming with enzymes and highly alkalizing, the ingredients in these dishes contain over 120 known health benefits and most can be grown in a home garden.In this article, we will first review the benefits of each component and then provide two simple recipes.
Tomato - Solanum Lycopersicum (Solanaceae)Tomato contains the antioxidant Lycophene, a phytonutrient along with vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, Calcium and Niacin. Tomato works to purify the blood and improves skin clarity while reducing cholesterol, gallstones, hemorrhages and liver congestion. Tomato offers unique benefits in raw, cooked or canned form. Tomato has antiseptic properties and helps fight cancer of the prostate and colon.
Pepper - Capsicum spp. (Solanaceae)Pepper contains the antioxidant Capsaicin, a crystalline alkaloid that relieves allergies, pain, ulcers, colitis, headaches and congestion. Eating peppers reduces cholesterol, blood clotting and the rate of stroke while increasing metabolism. Peppers have antibacterial properties and help fight cancer of the thyroid, stomach, intestine and prostate.
Onion - Allium Cepa (Liliaceae)Onion contains antioxidant Quercetin, a flavenoid along with vitamin C, vitamin E, Potassium, Fiber and Folic Acid. Onion relieves congestion and allergy symptoms along with reducing cholesterol, cataracts, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Consuming onion helps remove heavy metals from the body. Onion has antimicrobial properties and helps fight cancer of the ovaries, breast, lung and bladder.
Garlic - Allium Sativum (Liliaceae)Garlic contains the antioxidant Allicin (a compound formed from alliin and allinase when the cloves are is crushed or bruised). Consuming garlic lowers blood pressure and cholesterol while cleansing the liver. Garlic offers unique benefits when consumed in raw, cooked or aged form. Garlic has antiviral, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antifungal and anti-parasitic properties and helps fight stomach cancer.
Cilantro - Coriandrum Sativum (Umbelliferae)Cilantro contains several antioxidants including borneo, camphor, carvone, elemol, geraniol, limonene, and linalool. Cilantro is a natural internal and external deodorizer. Cilantro (whose seeds are called Coriander) relieves nausea, indigestion and bloating along with urinary tract infections. Consuming cilantro helps reduce cholesterol and blood sugar while removing heavy metal levels including mercury. Cilantro has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties (killing salmonella).
Cumin - Cuminum (Apiaceae)Cumin comes in seed and powder form and contains Iron. Consuming cumin helps improve digestion and strengthens the immune system. Cumin is an antioxidant and helps fight cancer of the liver.
Lemon Juice - Citrus Limon (Rutaceae)Lemon juice contains vitamin C and (when fresh) has an alkalizing effect on the system. Lemon relieves stomach discomfort and removes gallstones (when mixed with olive oil). Consuming lemon helps prevent osteoarthritis, diabetes, atherosclerosis and kidney stones. Lemon has antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiseptic properties and is a great natural cleaning agent.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Olea Europaea (Oleaceae)Olive Oil (from the first cold pressing) contains Oleic acid, a healthy (monounsaturated omega-0) fatty acid. Olive oil, found in the Mediterranean diet, helps reduce blood pressure, asthma and arthritis inflammation. Consuming olive oil helps prevent and treat diabetis while increasing metabolism. Olive oil helps fight cancer of the breast and ovaries.
Apple Cider Vinegar - Malus Domestica (Rosaceae)Raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar contains the Mother, an enzyme chain long regarded as a cure-all and taken by Hippocrates himself. Apple cider vinegar helps relieve gout, acid reflux and arthritis symptoms. Consuming apple cider vinegar helps reduce cholesterol, calcium deposits, acne, allergies, and blood sugar while reducing allergies, food poisoning and muscle fatigue. Cider vinegar soothes a sore throat, strengthens the immune system and improves stamina and metabolism.
Avocado - Persea Americana (Lauraceae)Avocado contains Lutein, a carotenoid along with vitamin E, monounsaturated (healthy) fat and Magnesium. Consuming avocado helps improve the absorption of the nutrients in other foods. Avocado improves skin clarity and tone. Avocado helps fight cancer of the mouth, breast and prostate.
Lime Juice - Citrus Aurantifolia (Rutaceae)Lime juice contains Potassium and helps cleanse the blood and liver. Lime juice has antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiseptic properties and strengthens the immune system.
Gray Sea Salt - Sodium ChlorideGray sea salt contains many trace minerals. Sea salt stabilizes the heartbeat and blood sugar level. Sea salt helps generate hydroelectric energy, improves absorption and nerve cell communication. Sea salt relieves the lungs and sinuses.
Now that you know how powerful these foods are
you can imagine how many synergistic benefits there may be. The following recipes use each ingredient discussed.
Recent studies have underscored the benefits of combining many different antioxidants into one synergistic blend.Recipe for Salsa FrescaIngredients:
- 4 tomatoes (choose two varieties).
- 1 onion (your choice of color).
- 2 peppers (your choice of type and temperature).
- 2 cloves garlic.
- ½ cup cilantro (leaves and stems).
- 1 Tbsp lemon juice.
- 1 Tbsp olive oil.
- 1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar.
- 1 tsp cumin.
- 1 tsp coriander.
- Mince garlic, cilantro, cumin and coriander.
- Add lemon, oil and vinegar to spice blend.
- Dice tomato, onion, garlic and add to spice blend.
- Blend ingredients together with potato masher.
- Cover 10 minutes and serve at room temperature.
Recipe for GuacamoleIngredients:
- 4 ripe (Hass) avocados.
- ¼ cup salsa fresca (see above).
- 1 Tbsp lime juice.
- ½ tsp Sea salt.
- Briefly stir together avocado and salsa.
- Top with lime juice and salt.
- Cover 30 minutes and serve chilled.
DISCLAIMER: The information in this article has not been evaluated by the FDA (or guacamole might be outlawed).About the author
Neil McLaughlin is a Computer Scientist and Inventor specializing in 3D Graphics and Simulation.